The Palmetto Insider

S.C. House Republicans Break the Rules to Force “Permitless Carry” Gun Bill through the House

S.C. House Republicans Break the Rules to Force “Permitless Carry” Gun Bill through the House

S.C. House Republicans Break the Rules to Force “Permitless Carry” Gun Bill through the House

On April 5th in a vote of 64-46 S.C. House Republicans shoved a bill (H. 3930) through the House to allow South Carolinians to carry guns concealed or open without permits. Though it is alarming that we could now have people strolling through our downtown areas (think Five Points)  with AK-47’s on their backs –with NO FIRE ARM SAFETY TRAINING, even more concerning is the gross abuse of rules they used to pass the bill!

After more than four hours debate on 2nd term abortion methods that took place on March 29th, Republicans moved to invoke “cloture” on House Bill 3930, before discussion of the bill even began!

That’s no way to represent anyone if you ask us. Cloture is a procedural motion which limits the debate to two hours – only one hour for opponents to speak against the bill, and one hour for proponents of the bill. In addition, cloture prevents any new amendments (changes) to the bill from being considered during the debate.

Of course cloture is mainly used by the Majority or Controlling party to limit debate on legislation.

But, the “sheisty” – most would say dirty – maneuvers to shepherd the bill through didn’t start on the House floor.

In fact, they started weeks prior on March 9th when House Republicans held a “surprise subcommittee meeting” for the bill on a Friday (the house convenes Tues-Thurs) giving the two Dems on the subcommittee (Representatives Smith and Norrell), who they knew would be traveling on Friday, less than 48 hours’ notice.

House Dems, who are more and more standing up to misguided GOP leadership, didn’t take the abuse of power lying down.

Representative James Smith sent Speaker Pro Tem Tommy Pope scrambling to the rule book when he made a motion that the bill be sent back to committee because it didn’t have the REQUIRED fiscal impact statement, and could cause a change in how State funds were directed.

So you know, fiscal impact statements are – a statement prepared by the S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office that  provides the estimated expenditure costs and the estimated revenue impact to the General Assembly for proposed legislation. 

Back to our story – Pope appeared both frustrated and noticeably unprepared to counter the motion and after several minutes ruled the motion out of order with no real explanation. Really?!!! So forget the rules, and just make it up as you go…

About that rule…House Rules clearly state in section 5-13: “Each bill effecting the expenditures of money by the State shall, prior to receiving second reading, have attached to it in writing such comment of the appropriate state official or office as may appear appropriate regarding the bill’s effect on the finances of the State…Committee chairman shall satisfy these requirements of a fiscal impact statement prior to the bill receiving second reading.”

Seems clear to us…but the Speaker Pro-Tem had no qualms about breaking the rules and ignoring the valid point Smith raised that should’ve kept the bill from advancing…that is if you follow the rules. But we have witnessed Republicans lack of doing so over the years .

But again, GOP leadership knows best; even if ALL of the SC Law Enforcement community was against the bill.

The majority of Republicans in the House pushed this bill forward and now anyone in the State can carry a weapon on their hip at any time.

Sounds fun! Welcome to SC…make sure you’re packing at all times!!!