The Palmetto Insider

Democrats Fight Radical GOP ‘Convention of States’ Resolution

Democrats Fight Radical GOP ‘Convention of States’ Resolution

Democrats Fight Radical GOP ‘Convention of States’ Resolution

In the last week of South Carolina’s legislative session, Republicans decided to ram a ridiculous, far-right resolution through the House calling for a convention of the states to make amendments to the U.S. Constitution. 

You read that right. This is the House’s last chance this year to pass new legislation and vote on important issues affecting South Carolinians. Republicans, who hold the legislative majority, could tackle a number of important, real problems that our state is dealing with. Instead, they have cowered to their base with this far-right pipe dream.

So, what is this constitutional convention that Republicans made a priority during this final week all about? At their proposed convention, everything in the Constitution would be amendable. Anything could be added, deleted, or modified. Anything. That is dangerous. 

Democrats put up several amendments during the debate on Tuesday, including one that would guarantee protections for the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments. They were all struck down. Republicans voted against protecting the amendments that outlaw slavery, give women the right to vote, and ensure due process and equal rights for all. That is not an exaggeration. At their convention, these amendments could be repealed, undoing centuries of progress and protections for constitutional rights.

While this latest push by Republicans is disappointing, it is not surprising. This year’s legislative session has been defined by culture war faux issues: the three biggest pieces of legislation to come out of the House this year include an unconstitutional abortion ban that was struck down by the courts, a bill to bring back the electric chair and firing squads to conduct executions, and this absurd resolution calling for a “convention of the states.” 

Meanwhile, South Carolina is facing a teacher shortage which has been exacerbated by the pandemic; because of low wages and poor conditions, our roads are crumbling and traffic has never been worse; we have a shortage of workers who are fed up with long hours for little pay; gun violence remains pervasive; economic inequality is on the rise.

It is clear that Republicans at the State House are not concerned with leading – their focus is on publicity and getting re-elected by any means necessary.