The Palmetto Insider

Dark Days Ahead for Lancaster and Kershaw Counties

Dark Days Ahead for Lancaster and Kershaw Counties

Dark Days Ahead for Lancaster and Kershaw Counties

In a jarring upset from last week’s election, multiple Democratic incumbents of the South Carolina State House lost their seats to Republican challengers.

Representatives Mandy Powers Norrell and Laurie Funderburk of Lancaster and Kershaw counties, respectively, were among the losses for state Democrats. These counties also lost their long-time state Senator Vincent Sheheen in an election year that Republicans have dubbed “a total wipeout.”

These losses represent not only a major blow to the South Carolina Democratic Party, but also to the people of Lancaster and Kershaw. All three Democratic legislators have been integral in promoting the interests of these counties in the State House, using their influence to ensure resources and legislation that has directly impacted their constituents of these districts.

In a legislative world dominated by the big cities of Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville, areas like Kershaw and Lancaster are perpetually at risk of being swept under the rug. Norrell, Funderburk, and Sheheen were equipped with the experience, knowledge, and support to make sure that the needs of their districts did not go unmet.

The losses of these Democratic legislators in favor of Republican freshmen all but guarantee a future in which the interests of Kershaw and Lancaster are drowned out by experienced legislators from other districts who are better able to advocate for their constituents.

As a result of straight party voting and an immense partisan divide, the counties of Lancaster and Kershaw have voted out the exact people they need. Norrell, Funderburk, and Sheheen were legislators with a reputation of making sure their districts were being taken care of, regardless of size or population. It can only be hoped that the new Republican freshmen will put in nearly half the time and effort in supporting these districts as the Democrats who came before them did.