The Palmetto Insider

McMaster touts empty promises, divisive rhetoric in State of the State address

McMaster touts empty promises, divisive rhetoric in State of the State address

McMaster touts empty promises, divisive rhetoric in State of the State address

Governor Henry McMaster proved once again in Wednesday’s State of the State address that he values divisive, partisan politics over the wellbeing of our state — endangering the lives of South Carolinians in the process.

As COVID-19 continues its rampage through South Carolina, McMaster attacked the Biden Administration’s attempts to implement mask mandates in our public schools, showing no concern for the safety of our children and the general public. Obviously, the never-ending lines for testing and South Carolina’s record-breaking number of COVID-19 cases still have not impacted the Governor’s laissez-faire attitude towards the pandemic — including his dangerous arguments against mask mandates in the name of “individual liberty.”

McMaster has called these safety precautions a violation of common sense when there is nothing more conscientious nor urgent than stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. It’s critical that we continue to mask up, get shots in arms, and protect South Carolinians so that they can thrive and our economy can rebound. The Governor has clearly missed the memo. 

McMaster’s clear lack of care for the health of South Carolinians doesn’t stop there. He continues to reject the expansion of Medicaid for South Carolina, forcing working families to have to choose between receiving health care and putting food on the table. It’s no secret that our state is behind the curve when it comes to Medicaid expansion — 39 states have already adopted the measure.

If McMaster was truly concerned about the people of our state, he would expand Medicaid and make sure that nobody is left behind by our health care system. Representative Spencer Wetmore said it best in the Democratic response to the State of the State address: when our neighbors don’t have health insurance, we all pay.

The Governor’s address, in which he championed the state’s pro-life policies, also comes just days before the 49th anniversary of the affirmation of Roe v. Wade. South Carolina is just one of the numerous states hijacked by partisan interests in an enthusiastic effort to put Roe six feet underground.

The reversal of Roe would force women across South Carolina into potentially life-threatening situations that they are unprepared for, and without adequate resources and support from the state. Afterall, South Carolina has been named one of the worst states to raise a family under McMaster’s governance. It needs to be made clear that women’s choice to have an abortion is an extremely personal one that should stay between them, their families, and their doctor, and stay free from political interference.

McMaster said a lot in Wednesday’s address, but what he didn’t say matters even more. He spoke about our beautiful coastlines being subject to flooding and storm surges, but made no effort to actually call it what it is: climate change. The longer he continues to deny the existence of the climate crisis, the longer South Carolina’s environment will deteriorate. There was also no mention of legalizing the use of medical marijuana, which is a top priority for South Carolina House Democrats, once again clearly displaying the Governor’s disinterest in the health and wellbeing of South Carolinians.

The Governor also announced that he will be using American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to improve the state’s roads, bridges, highways, and other infrastructure. It seems like he has forgotten that he publicly decried the funding proposal, calling it “Congressional Democrats’ absurd plan.” It doesn’t seem so absurd now, does it, Governor? Make sure to give credit where credit is due. 

Ultimately, McMaster’s address was full of divisive rhetoric that will only fuel the partisan fire that is raging in South Carolina and across the country. He wants a pat on the back for empty promises, but South Carolinians can see right through his façade. They don’t want a more divided state government. They want health care, they want to protect their families, and they want assurance that our state is on the right path toward recovery so that they can start planning for a prosperous future.

Governor McMaster: it’s unfortunate that all of your effort to convince South Carolinians that you’re on their side will go to waste. The people of the Palmetto State are smarter than you give them credit for.